Sri Chinmoy's 23rd Weightlifting Anniversary
Sri Chinmoy lifting pyramid of 15 men
June 26 was the 23rd Anniversary of the beginning of Sri Chinmoy's serious weight lifting and the 20th Anniversary of the `Lifting Up The World' program. There was a function in New York to commemorate this significant anniversary.
Arpan kindly wrote a function report, which you can read here - Weightlifting anniversary
"It was and still is obvious that Sri Chinmoy's weightlifting was not really about a strong man trying to get stronger. It was really about a great Spiritual Master who had a dynamic approach to faith in God and tried to include as many people as were inspired to participate in his efforts to show how important and real this faith is for all of us in our own lives. His lifting of seemingly impossible weights, objects and subjects was a dramatically convincing way to show us how any of us, even a small Indian Yogi, can work toward achieving what only seems impossible to our minds if we use our faith and hearts of Oneness."
You can also view a new site on Sri Chinmoy's weightlifting - Inspiration Lifts