Meditation Classes in New York

The New York Sri Chinmoy Centre offer free meditation classes throughout the year. Recently, a new course was offered in Manhattan. Over 200 people attended the course which taught beginners the basics of meditation.

NY Manhattan

NY Manhattan - meditation class

My meditation Is my soul's Soundless sound-conversation With my Inner Pilot.

- Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy's Path of Meditation

Sri Chinmoy's path of meditation shares many similarities with other types of meditation. In particular Sri Chinmoy teaches the benefit of meditating in the spiritual heart. Sri Chinmoy feels if people could leave the mind and enter into the heart, then it is much easier to quell the restless thoughts which usually disturb our mind.

"You must direct your full, intense concentration on the heart. You must feel that you are not the mind. You have to feel that you are growing into the heart. You are only the heart and nothing else."

- Sri Chinmoy [The Mind and the Heart ]
